Orange Carrot Ginger Juice

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Orange Carrot Ginger Juice is a delicious natural juice that is packed with tons of vitamins and minerals which the body needs. It has this bright orange color that is so vibrant and appealing to the eyes, which just makes you want to drink it all. Having this Orange Carrot Ginger Juice is great way to boost your immune system, especially during the cold and flu season. I would definitely recommend making your own juice at home rather than getting store bought juice.

Benefits of Orange Carrot Ginger Juice

Orange Carrot Ginger Juice has a lot of great healthy benefits to the body. Each individual fruit has tons of vitamins and nutrition, so when combined together to make a juice, a powerhouse will definitely be created.

Benefits of Oranges

Let’s start with oranges; oranges are a great source of fiber and folate which are necessities to the body.

Oranges are a great source of vitamin C which is extremely vital to the body.

Some important roles of vitamin C in the body are:

  • Vitamin C plays a major role in the growth and repair of tissues, by making collagen. This collagen then helps to maintain the skins elasticity and moisture, this then gives you a healthy and glowing skin.
  • Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. It helps to protect the body against diseases and viruses, it is also an immune system booster.
  • Vitamin C also plays a major role in the functionality of other vitamins and minerals by increasing the absorption of them. Such vitamin and minerals are iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin E, just to name a few.
  • Vitamin C also helps to lower blood pressure.

Benefits of Carrots

Carrots contain a number of vitamins and minerals which the body is dependent on. Such vitamins and minerals are:

  • Vitamin A- Carrots contain beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. As we all know, carrots promote good vision. This vitamin A is what plays the key role in this benefit.
  • Potassium- Helps to control the blood pressure.
  • B vitamins- Carrots contain B vitamins like niacin and B6 which helps the body convert food into energy.
  • Biotin- This is very important for metabolism in the body.
  • Vitamin C- As with oranges, carrots also have a fair amount vitamin c which is vital for healthy skin, bones and teeth.

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a fragrant spice that is a part of the Zingiberaceae family. It can also be used as a vegetable and can be used to make candy. It is widely used in a number of cuisines because of the pungent flavor and aroma. Other than being so delicious, ginger has tons of amazing health benefits that you’ve never imagined.

Ginger is a part of the superfood group due to its amazing health and wellness properties. Adding this spice to your everyday life can do wonders, from treating the common cold to possible cancer treatments.

Health Benefits of Ginger:

  • Cancer Treatments- Ongoing studies have shown that ginger, being an antioxidant, when added to the diet can lower the risk of certain cancers. The active molecule in the ginger helps to suppress these cancer cells.
  • Morning Sickness- Ginger is the best remedy for morning sickness in pregnant women. Ginger contains gingerol, which has great benefits for the digestive system. It helps in digestion and reduces intestinal cramping, among other great benefits. I can attest to this myself, as ginger was my DIY morning sickness remedy. I used fresh ginger to make ginger tea, but ginger tea bags can also help with the morning sickness. Ginger candies are also a great way to suppress the nauseous feeling of from morning sickness.
  • Immune System Booster- Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, so adding ginger to your diet is great a way to help the body to fight off viruses as well as illnesses, and to build and maintain a stronger immune system.
  • Bloating and gas- Ginger helps in digestion which in turns prevents bloating and gas. It helps to speed up the digestion process, so food doesn’t linger too long in the gut, while also protecting the gut. Ginger can also be used in cleaning and detoxing the colon and other organs which will remove toxins and prevent bloating.
  • Chronic Pain- The antiinflammation properties of ginger can help with joint pains and arthritis. Ginger contains salicylates which helps with pain and discomfort in the body and healing joint inflammation. You can read this amazing article by Pain & Spine Institute for more information on Ginger for Arthritis.

Why Should I Start Juicing

  • Juicing is a great way to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet. You will find that a lot of people won’t have an orange or eat carrots, and they’re definitely not going to eat a piece of fresh ginger. So, with that said, juicing encourages a healthier diet.
  • Juice from the store has way too many preservatives, additives and other chemicals that are just straight up bad for you. Juicing is a great way to start your healthy journey.
  • Juicing allows you to have a variety of fruits and or vegetables all at once, which is a great benefit to the body. You won’t find yourself eating an orange and a carrot together, but you can definitely make a delicious glass of Orange Carrot Juice.
  • Juicing is perfect for on the go, instead of eating an apple or orange on the train, you can simply drink it instead.
  • Juicing helps to save some money. Buying juice from the store is more expensive, than getting fresh fruits to make your own juice at home.
  • Juicing is a great way to use overripe fruits instead of throwing them out.
  • Juicing can be a really fun hobby. Whenever I juice, it puts me in a happier mood.

How to Choose the Right Juicer

There are 2 main types of juicers on the market today. There is the Masticating Juicer and the Centrifugal Juicer.

The major difference between a Centrifugal Juicer and a Masticating Juicer is the speed they both use when juicing. Centrifugal juicers work by using highspeed spinning blades that grinds up fruits and vegetable and then separates the juice from the pulp by forcing the pulp through a sieve. Masticating Juicers uses augers with very sharp metal teeth that rotates, and presses produce through the sieve. It uses a slower juicing technique compared to Centrifugal Juicers.

Choosing the right juicer will depend on a number of things, such as:

  1. Your budget for sure: Juicers will vary in price depending on the kind you’re planning on getting. Normally, a Masticating Juicer is more expensive than a Centrifugal Juicer and that is simply because of its slow juicing technique, which guarantees a juice higher in nutrients. Juicer prices can range from $39.99 to $300.

Budget Friendly Masticating Juicers:

Budget Friendly Centrifugal Juicers:

  • The Herrchef Juicer– This Centrifugal Juicer is 600W and has two different speeds. It has a 3″ feed chute and anti-drip system.
  • The Qcen Juicer– Thus juicer is 500W and also has a 3″ feed chute and a 2-speed setting.
  • The Azeus Juicer-This juicer has a 2-layer micro mesh filter basket and also has 2 speed modes. It has a high juice yield and an anti- drip system.

2. The type of juice you will be making: If you’re planning on juicing a lot of leafy vegetables, then a Masticating Juicer is the way to go simply because it will provide a higher yield compared to Centrifugal Juicers.

3. Juice Quality: This is very important when deciding on the right juicer to purchase. If the juice produced from this juicer will have little to no pulp, the amount of foaming and clogging and the amount of nutrients you will get from your juicer.

4. Size of the juicer: If you have a tight kitchen space or countertop, then you wouldn’t want to get a juicer that is too large.

5. Size of the feeding chute: Juicers with a wide feeding chute are more efficient. This means that you don’t have to spend time cutting up your produce, so you will be saving time and energy… and less dirty dishes.

6. Warranty: Most, if not all juicers come with a warranty. I’ve noticed that most centrifugal juicers have a shorter warranty compared to masticating juicers. This makes sense, as on average, masticating juicers are more expensive than centrifugal juicers. Also, I believe that masticating juicers have a longer durability due to its slower and no heat juicing process, hence a more durable motor.

7. Pulp collection: This is an important factor to consider when purchasing a juicer. Are you going to have to disassemble your juicer to disregard the pulp multiple times? Or are you able to juice large quantities continuously without having to stop?

Orange Carrot Ginger Juice

Orange Carrot Ginger Juice is the perfect immune system booster especially for the wintertime where cold and flu is on the rise. Besides being so healthy, this drink is also delicious and easy to make.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Juice


  • Juicer
  • Blender & Strainer (These equipments are only needed if a Juicer is not used.)


  • 4 Large Carrots peeled and washed
  • 6 Oranges Peeled. Mandarins or clementines can be substituted.
  • 1.5 inch Fresh Ginger peeled


  • Peel and cut oranges into quarters.
  • Peel ginger and roughly chop.
  • Peel carrots and remove the ends.
  • Cut carrots into quarters and set to the side.
  • Set up juicer or blender based on instructions.
  • Add fruits to juicer or blender in no specific order. If using a blender, then add 1 cup of water before blending.
  • Start juicing or blending, do more than one batches if need be.
  • Pour in a glass and drink straight away, or let it chill a little in the fridge. You can also add a couple ice cubes if you like.
Keyword carrot orange ginger juice, healthy juice recipe, immune system booster juice, juicing recipe, natural juice,
Orange Carrot Juice in a glass cup with silver straw. Peeled Oranges and carrots laying around the glass cup with fresh ginger.
Orange Carrot Juice in a glass cup with silver straw. Peeled Oranges and carrots laying around the glass cup with fresh ginger.
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